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I’ve been waiting for this game my whole life. As someone who has read so many web novels about being reincarnated in an otome game this was an utter BLAST! And your animations are to die for!!


This has gotta be my favorite one so far. Everything you make is such a banger. Love the dialogue, the art is drop dead gorgeous as usual, and the characters instantly draw you into the story. Teresa is so fucking funny too LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO -- nice work!!!!



Great demo! I can tell a lot of love went into this. <3

~Some minor spoilers in question answers: Read at your own risk.~

  1. Whose route would you choose first? And why? Vincenzo, as Edel is waaaaaaay too knife-happy for my taste. Vicenzo is obviously also on the sketch side, but he also seems much more controlled/calculated. He also made me laugh several times, so I’m hoping for a sincerely sweet, principled side to him (i.e. he has his own rules/morals even if they don’t line up with society’s).

  2. What’s your favorite scene/event? I love the sibling moments with the MC, her interactions with her friends, and some of the cute moments with Vicenzo (muffins!).

  3. Are you interested in playing the full release? It honestly depends on how dark the LIs become/remain for the good endings. I don’t like yandere, when the MC seems either forced or fooled into a relationship, or LIs who don’t have some kind of principles/morals (although they might not be in line with most of society’s). That said, I think y’all did a great job with this and I absolutely loved the world and the MC - I’m just not sure whether this will be my flavor of otome or not!

  4. Are the LIs villainous enough for you? Villainous LIs aren’t generally my thing, so I’m hoping they have some underlying principles/morals and that being killed by them is very much just a bad ending thing.

Best of luck!


I don't think this would be a spoiler, but rest assured, their relationships will be developed. There will be love😤(so no forced relationships for the happy endings✌️)

Glad to hear it! :)


i've been waiting so long for a proper otome isekai vn !! super excited for the full release <3 LOVE both of the LIs so far omg.. here are my answers to the questions :]

Whose route would you choose first? And why?

though i have a strong preference for edel's character, i think i would actually start with vicenzo! i like saving the best til last heheh

What's your favorite scene/event?

oh my gosh edel's face reveal made my jaw DROP,, but something i also really love is the MC herself - her commentary makes everything so entertaining

Are you interested in playing the full release? 

YES YES YES !! would also love to see this on steam

Are the LIs villainous enough for you?

i would say so, both edel and vicenzo are unsettling yet swoon-worthy in their own ways!

Good that their first impressions are unsettling😂

Can someone tell me what happens at the end of the demo, cause I still get murdered (don't know whether you're actually supposed to die) by Edel after waking up?

Save before the last dialogue options before that scene, then if you picked the right answer, you should be able to proceed with one last event before the demo ends.

I just finish playing and I reeeeally like it! I want to answer the questionnns!!

Whose route would you choose first? And why?


-What's your favorite scene/event?

I really like the scenes with Estella and Henry, I also love the scene when we are talking to the masked man(edel) and we get the contract and that

-Are you interested in playing the full release? 


-Are the LIs villainous enough for you?

Maybe, maybe not...

I JUST WANT TO SAY THAT I AM EXCITTTEEEEDDD!!! Oh, and I really love also the MC(Teresa)

I really liked the demo so far. I had no LI preference starting, but ended up taking a liking to Vicenzo. Also, you bet I snitched on Edel every chance I got. Made him eat the damn muffin too.


-Whose route would you choose first? And why?

Vicenzo, but Edel is super tempting. I think I just felt like flirting with a fancy boy.

-What's your favorite scene/event?

So many of them! From MC's dying thoughts of "But I need to play my games!" to the clever glossary notes and the poker face due to playing steamy otome in public. I like that I had the option to punch the prince and that we can yell OBJECTION if we dislike the engagement. I am invested. 

-Are you interested in playing the full release? 


-Are the LIs villainous enough for you?

I just got murdered by one and I loved it. I'm always down for some yandere/cage hijinks, but I like that I can't tell what they're actually thinking. 


I absolutely love the demo! It was fun being the MC and meeting all the characters in the game. I felt like the MC was really relatable and funny. I was not even sure how the story would turn out with the LIs, and I love how it has turned out. I think I would want to go with Vicenzo's route first. I was not sure how I felt about him initially but he definitely has grown on me. I want to know more about his character and backstory. He and Edel definitely do seem evil enough and it'd be great again to know more about their backgrounds and why they are so villainous in the first place. There were times I forgot they were villains but then the writing and/or voice acting reminded me (I had chills down my spine for lots of those parts!). My favorite scene was when Estella and Henry are visiting the MC and they are having tea in the garden. I really also love Estella and Henry! I appreciate that we get a lot of friendship interaction between them and MC. I definitely would be interested in playing this game as a full release. I love the story, art, animations, voice acting -- all of it! 


Played it yesterday and got really into it! The art is gorgeous and the humor is on point, I've been having so much fun. There's so many good moments I couldn't pick a favorite, but so far my favorite love interest is certainly Vicenzo! He's adorably menacing, and I love that.

Also, Henry is a bro and I love him for that. He better not die!!

Ultimately, I just want to say that this was lovely and I can't wait for more!

Oh my that was so good! And so funny. I like Vins (from the "romance") best so far but the evil side of Edel and this "playfulness" are so good! And I love the dynamic between the two! I would definitely like to see more of this!


I really enjoyed this game! Keep up the good work <33

i love game

Tried this game as a way to relax, not expecting to love it THIS MUCH. 

This comment contains mild spoilers!

Whose route would you choose first? And why?
Vincenzo, definitely. He's perfect to a T, you know. Great voice. Great looks. Great personality. Though, me being me, I would actually go for some weird meandering first, not really completing any of the routes, lol.

What's your favorite scene/event?
The last one. I was waiting for Edel to snap.

Are you interested in playing the full release? 
Yes! I can't wait for the full version!

Are the LIs villainous enough for you?
They're just perfect. Eeeeviiil. But babe. A bit of poor little meow meow energy but meow meow with claws. Can't get enough of them!


OMG! I've never read any manhwa before, so I've not experienced any of the stories of the reincarnation tropes - but I am grateful this was my first! Everything is so beautiful, from theme, to art, to GUI, to music...just everything! I often find myself disliking MCs when they're over the top, but this one is AMAZINGLY LOVABLE (not to mention, I loveeee her little quips and internal dialogue).

10/10 would recommend, and I'm excited to play the full release <3

-Whose route would you choose first? And why?

Vicenzo is such a cutie and seems to be the safer option right now, so I opted for him! Plus, I lack basic human preservation senses, so of course I have to go for the dangerous one with the most power LMAO

-What's your favorite scene/event?

I loved the garden scene with the MC and her friends, where Vicenzo drops in with the roses. It set up the dynamic super well, and the music timing was super funny!

-Are you interested in playing the full release? 

Absolutely! Everything was beautiful, and super interesting - not to mention the intriguing cliff hanger.

-Are the LIs villainous enough for you?

Yes! They made me super nervous when selecting options, which isn't something I feel often (but I really put myself into the MC's shoes, and was like "oh no, bad end is death! No thank you!")

Whoa!!! Gonna play it but I love isekai, otome and visual novels so this is gonna be good :)

thanks for making it, but by the time the full game’s released, ima be get a job, married, have children, and retire 😭

I streamed the demo and it has been a while since I last played an Otome game but this one got me really hooked! Good job on this one and I hope you guys will be proud with what you guys have done so far! <3 

-Whose route would you choose first? And why?

I thought I was gonna fall for Edel because when he took off his mask he just had this lovely smile and he was just so cute :< But then turns out he can be really evil later on. Though I will say you guys did a good job by doing that to his character. Not being too soft on him you know. It really made it interesting for me. 

For Vicenzo, I didn't like him first because he just screams dangerous for me but It kinda turns out he is the lesser evil of the two so I'm kinda leaning more to him. If I know more sinister stuff about him, I will just pick the crown prince :3 even though he is not an option kek

-What's your favorite scene/event?

I just really enjoy when the MC's speech bubble pops up. It's way too cute and I can just say, this MC doesn't annoy me. Sometimes, MC can be too much in Otoges but this one is really.... amusing. heh. I might end up teasing her like the other male LI's

-Are you interested in playing the full release? 

I am! Hopefully I have enough money by then when it's ready :3 but for now I'll just tell everyone I know who like Otoge to try it ^^

-Are the LIs villainous enough for you?

Yep! Plenty! I love it~ Good job, everyone!!!! :>

Oh I've watched your VODs! And looks like you learned a few terms from this game too (that was fun to watch🤭)


Which route?  I choose Vicenzo.  Honestly, although I know he's obviously hiding his true self beneath a mask, it's less intimidating.  Also I actually like his squinty eyes--it's really random but I have read a manga a while ago where the male lead had eyes like that and it's pretty unusual.  It's just different and interesting.  It can give a feeling of being kind of silly or funny, of being unaware of something, and/or "playing dumb" essentially.  But strangely that makes the person more approachable while adding depth.  Which works well here in this setting. 

Favorite scene?  Not really a favorite, pretty much all of it was very good.  But, maybe when she's in the garden at the manor and Edel threatens her to reveal information to him and when I refused and he said, Good answer.  Somehow that kind of solidified for me that she was joining the mafia essentially, lol.  And that Edel's whole goal might be to protect his boss.  I felt oddly accomplished that I was proving to be trustworthy.  Lol.  Which I don't know if it's a good or bad thing obviously at this point.

I do get the sense that obviously the Prince has some type of connection to Vicenzo.  I have noticed that the Prince's eye color is also a red.  Maybe that's coincidence, but I wonder if it's possible they might even be distantly related.  And overall, the story appears to be good so far--it's a mystery story which is usually a good idea for a romance novel.  Something is going on, there's some reason why this organization is working to overthrow the current leaders of the kingdom.  And now her father, brother and best friends are directly involved too.  All of that is very interesting and I wonder what will happen.

When I was writing this, I was trying to tell myself "so, they're basically fantasy mafia aren't they...?"- so you're not wrong there😂


I love the game so much I've gone back and played it several times.  I have a few things I noticed on second playthrough and one is, at the beginning you say "waitress" for the person who lets us into the first meeting with Snare.  I think that's the incorrect word to use.  I think a correct one would be "attendant."  Waitress is basically only used at restaurants.  

Also, I have to admit, I played now several times and I'm still unsure which route is the good one.  I think, based on comments from others, that there must be a good route where you don't die in the demo.  And after thinking about it --spoiler--but I think it's the one where they say she is asleep now.  

But, if I'm correct, I have to say that I didn't understand that route because Vincenzo talks to Edel and he mentions how everyone wants him to settle down but Vincenzo responds that it was a shame he COULDN'T do that.  And that past tense really confused me.  They talk in coded language sometimes so I thought when I first got that route that meant when they said she was asleep that was code for "she is dead."  

So, I thought that route was still one where she died.  But, on more playthroughs I think actually maybe that was the good route and she didn't die.  

But, I kind of recommend maybe changing the word "couldn't" to can't.  I think that would clear up that Vincenzo is saying that she's still alive but that he has no intention of marrying her.  If that's the case.  

Awesome story though!

Oh, the woman was a waitress at the pub, so she's still referred to as waitress until then.

As for the other one- he's not talking about her. It's fine to be confused, cause you don't have the full context of their conversation and it's meant to confuse you🤭

I'm so bad, I guess I'm a good tester for you since I'm sure I won't be the only one who gets confused like this.  XD  

And gotcha on the conversation not being clear.  But yeah, I think that I probably won't be the only person who thinks she died because of assuming they're talking about the protagonist in past tense.  I think I literally restarted the game after I got that route originally (I was really lucky and got that route first) thinking it was a bad ending.  Lol.  But, I'm sure in the full release obviously that will be more clear because we will be able to continue.  


-Whose route would you choose first? And why?

Vicenzo! I'm curious about his intentions, and his personality is exactly my type lol. That being said, I'm also interested Edel and am excited for his route too! It'll be interesting to see how Edel falls in love with the MC.

-What's your favorite scene/event?

I really enjoyed the two scenes where you can make the MC shamelessly tell on Edel to Vicenzo lmao.

-Are you interested in playing the full release? 

Yes, definitely! 

-Are the LIs villainous enough for you?

Yeah :] I love Edel's obvious villainy and Vicenzo's (so far) subtle villainy. 


OVERALL, Loved the game and the character building!! Throughout the demo they give us interesting insights on the protagonist's personality while also dropping hints and cues of our main cast's personality aswell.

Love how it has beloved cliches of the reincarnated into an otome game genre while being equally creative and original. Can't wait for the full release! 

I'm glad it came across like that! I do want players to have a familiar isekai experience, but at the same time, I want it to be unique experience for them🤗


This is such a fantastic game! The world absolutely needs more otome isekai games that get to lovingly lampoon the genre and I am thrilled to see you tackle this with your trademark wit and humor. 

I absolutely loved all the amazing call-outs you did of otome games AND the otome isekai genre (died laughing when you mentioned the MC being leery of raising flags), plus felt a lot of nervous shock at the many death endings I stumbled into.

Plus, I think Vicenzo is extremely hot and I cannot WAIT to make him mine in the future. Amazing work -- I can't wait for more! <3

omg!!!! i loved this so much! im screaming and sobbing all over the floor, i love everyone so much- im frothing at the mouth! can't wait for the full game so excited!!! i love otome isekai and all the tropes and i love like everything u did in this game- im horrible at having a way w/ words but 10/10 i love it 

1) something about edel, i love ppl who ruin my life or look like they would LMFAOOA but honestly i love vincenzo so much, hes baby- but edel is my lil meow meow

2) w/o giving away anything- something about the muffins was hilarious af to me LMFAOOAOA 

3) absolutely i am!!! im so excited 



Finished the demo, it's so good. I love all your games, I can't wait for the full release of this in the future!

Amazing demo! i had a blast playing it! I cannot wait for the full release already!

My first choice would be Vicenzo because he is just my type! He looks handsome and dangerous.


My favorite scene is the one in which Vicenzo saves the mc from making a reckless decision and punching the crown prince.

The Love Interests are villanous enough but villain's level can always go up!

Played through the demo and your writing is just delightful! I love how relatable and interesting the MC is, and the many non-romanceable characters have a depth that make the setting feel very alive. 
I also really love the watercolour artstyle, in particular the way colours seem to blend together at points.
I did notice a few small errors in the writing that I'm sure an editor could easily fish out.
The interactions between our two love interests were also very enjoyable to watch, though I don't feel like I know either of them well enough yet to really pick a favourite. Edel appeals to me a bit more so far, but I'm just interested to see where the story goes in general.
I have no idea why I got the "good" ending in the end vs. a bad ending first time around but I guess it's part of the fun hehe


Hei there✨

Not sure this is the right kind of feedback, but here I go -

-Whose route would you choose first? And why?

None...I might be doing this genre of game wrong, but I just made the choices which felt most true to what I understood the MC as (by the way, I think she's such a fun character - which might have backfired, cause now I'm more invested in her personal arc than in the romance). 

That being said, I don't feel like the romance in this one is doing it for me, because there's such an imbalance of power. From what I could grasp, the only way to not be killed is either to gain favour with the LIs or to make a pretty unintuitive choice (one that, by all logical reasoning, would be an easily disprovable lie. I feel like our quick-on-her-feet, witty protag wouldn't tell an obviously bad lie). For me, enemies-to-lovers only works when each side has equal power, or there's the possibility of overcoming the power imbalance outside of the relationship (but this is most definitely a ✨very✨ personal preference that does not reflect badly on the game.)

-What's your favourite scene/event?

The brother-sister interactions and the protag weaselling her way into a discount.  Also, the delightfully corny "iridescent sexy eyes revealed" trope. 

-Are you interested in playing the full release? 

Yes. I really enjoyed your other games.

-Are the LIs villainous enough for you?

I feel like the MC should be allowed her fair share of villainy/cunning to balance things out. Then, you can make the LIs as villainous as a religious figure in a cape et spade novel ♠️

-Other comments are welcome!

All that being said, I find all characters quite intriguing. 

Keep up the good work 🖤

Oh that's fine! And the MC definitely has an arc of her own😉
So if you're in it just for her story, then that's good too!😊

Looking forward to it 🖤

Did you consider including a no-romance-good-ending? I'm aware this might defeat the purpose of the game, and I'm sure the romance routes will be fantastic. However, since we're subverting tropes anyway, it could be interesting for our MC to expand her Mighty Social Circle of 3 with a few morally grey platonic relationships 

Due to spoilery plot reasons, a non-romance-good end is unlikely🤔

Those are the best kinds of reasons =))

I feel like your games do a great job at creating tridimensional characters, so I can't wait to get more drawn into the interactions with the LIs.

Good luck with the development!!

Hello! I just finished playing the demo and finally!! saw''to be continued'' part. to be honest ı got murdered by this ''butler'' called Edel too many times! after playing the game again and again many times (with using skip button at this point) ı reached the true end of the demo which was clearly interesting one. Game was soo mysterious and beatiful to me ı liked it alot!!

ok from now on ı will talk about spoilers from demo

ok so from what ı got suprised is even though ı could tell Viscount was the leader he was clearly calm and polite to us even we could be ''dangerous'' for him. From what understood he wanted to monitor the Teresa so ıf she posses a danger for him he can end her life quietly but this is where ı think is kindness shows up because tbh ı both agree with Edel and Teresa about how could he just crush her and her family without effort and yet he chose to give her a chance even putting himself on the front line in this. Well ıts true that he is dangerous and probably strong but still.. showing himself to others might be dangerous for him either yet he did it (not to mention he told his butler not make people suffer.. kind guy for a villain). ıf there is anyone who got stuck in the game and couldnt reach the end there is my path on finally reaching the end:

-never talk about to boss with guy who has purple mask or you will end up dead
-you can be kind to Viscount in fact ı always chose the kind ones (in my opinion) and ıt didnt end me
-dont let Edel get away with whatever the hell he did to you immediately tell to Viscount
-I did backtrack when he asked how do Teresa knows that stone is stolen and he didnt say anything to this

I didnt understand this ''flute'' thing and someone who was screaming badly but ı guess she foresee the future like story's original female main character? 

from what ı saw here is my thought about this game !
firstly questions ^^:
1) Viscount obviously. ı don't like people who are rude or harmful to other even it seems ''necessary''. ı mean what's up with that creepy face and not funny teasing's? ıts not like ı hate Edel ı just don't find anything to find him ''likeable'' he reminds me of a timed bomb. Of course, Viscount is pretty dangerous one too but at least he won't do anything to you if you don't do anything to him.

2) probably siblings bickering and ı love all scenes with our MC and her friends ıdk ı love how Original MC of story and our girl is best friends and they actually look for each other. ı liked some scenes with Viscount to like the muffin part was actually pretty funny (being able to bully Edel is also a plus) 

3)I am!! but unfortunalety ı dont have money to buy the game... ı guess ı can try to understand the story from future guides of the game? (ıf ıts ok ofc) or perhaps ı will get lucky and get money on my hands to spare...

I actually love this kind of otomes ıt is both funny but interesting. so thank you for you hard work ^^ ı really loved all the characters in the game they just look pretty original to my eyes and ı loved the fact that there is no big exaggeration in the story .. except the part where MC's friends were lining everything she did in the but thats fine ı think everything was on its place and that makes the game beatiful ı liked the voices too! not to mention main's cute emotion bubbles ı loved them so much! animations were cool too! again thank you for your hard work ^^ 


All I'll say is- you're on the right track in regards to your observation to the path. Nice observational skills👏

And dw, the full game won't be out in a while so you'll have time to save up or think over if you'd like to buy. There'll be more (free) demo updates at a later date too so... yeah!👍

The amount of animations and effects that I didn't know existed! I'm so thrilled! Definitely worth supporting!


Thank you so much for the support! <3


I want to date Vicenzo so bad! Curious about why he seems to hate his surname! I really loved Teresa's personality and I am so excited to play this game!

(1 edit)

Well, that was a countless death I have

love this game, can't wait for more!!

Thanks! ^_^


-Whose route would you choose first? And why?

Vin. Like another user said, Edel scares me too much at first brush. He is also definitely appropriately nicknamed the Bad End Butler and has murdered me several times now. 

-What's your favorite scene/event?

I liked so much of it. I laughed when she said money. I loved torturing Edel through Vin. I loved the commentary in MC's head about how cute Estella and Henry are. 

-Are you interested in playing the full release? 

Automatic buy for me. 

The inner emotional gifs are genius. 


I'm glad you like her inner thought bubbles😂

And I approve bullying Edel😌


As someone who loves isekai otome game stories, this game felt like I experienced being isekaied into an otome game.

I really love Teresa she is just like me fr fr. Her personality is so funny, also that small chibi that appears inside her mind is so cute.

At first, I thought I'll just love Edel since Vicenzo is not really my type, but I ended up falling in love with Vicenzo more than Edel. I kept on giggling and squealing like a weirdo every time Vicenzo show up, damn.

The relationship between Teresa and Eric is really funny, I can feel how close they're as a sibling. The relationship between Estella and Henry is cute too, the more I see them interact the more I want them to just get married already.

Overall, I really love this game and can't wait for more. Yet another great game made by Anta. Good luck with the development!

Teresa when she looks at Estella and Henry bickering flirting talking with each other :


That's exactly the feeling I wanted to convey for the game (being an isekai experience for the player) so I'm glad I captured it for you!🥰

Teresa is a proud professional third wheeler😏

I think I've gotten every bad end of the game so far, but what a fun game! I can't wait to see what happens, and what secrets we uncover. Definitely can't wait to see the finished product.  

...And here I thought getting the bad ends would be hard 😅

Thanks for playing!


Getting the bad ends are super easy. I had to reload several times after being shown the treasure room because Edel took me out everytime. I think the key to the good end was being rude and unaccepting of them the entire time, at least, that is how I finally didn't get Edel's murder knife. 


There are two ways to avoid the underground room bad end-

>The first is getting the right answer
>The second is getting all the right answers to particular previous choices which will give you a free pass to whichever answer you give to the underground choice

So yeah! Think of it as 'all your choices matter' cause they can make later choices more difficult or easier. There isn't just one way to avoid the bad end. The same goes for the other bad end.

But you're on the right track- they are villains after all, so you have to have the mindset of how to deal with them!

interesting. So there is a point system. 

I thought I was on the right path when Vin was like, "did she see how she was a scared rabbit, so cute" so I thought him liking MC was the path to safety. But I got death. I only succeeded once and it was when I was just rude/aloof the whole time. I thought, that makes sense? But then, how do the eventual smooches happen if she's like "don't touch me" forever ?😅  And then I didn't know if allying with the butler or calling him out was the right path. 😆

I usually always play blind the first time and then guides at that point. I expect this game to be harder to navigate because death is always round the corner with the villains always wondering if you're worth the effort of keeping her alive. Vin does have this ability of making you feel more comfortable since he's so silly.

Getting that extra scene is actually a good thing!

You'll see. Such is the nature of enemies to lovers🤭

As for the butler... do you want a hint or would you rather figure it out yourself?

This was such a fun demo! I love the premise and I love the drama of snare.

-Whose route would you choose first? And why?

Probably Vincenzo's because he has a mildly calming presence but still has a bit of intrigue to him.Edel is a fun character, he just scares me a little too much to go for him on a first playthrough. I still like him, though!

-What's your favorite scene/event?

I like when I reject the flowers and Vin asks me what a more appropriate gift would be, and Teresa just says "Money." 'Cause I was like, "Honestly, same. Money or food."

-Are you interested in playing the full release? 


-Other comments are welcome!

If I had one problem, it'd be the typos, but that doesn't really bother me too much.

(1 edit) (+1)

MC's guilty pleasures for this world... food, and money to buy even more food (what's the use of money without otome to spend on?!-MC)😂

Do you by any chance remember where you found typos?😲


Here is a couple I caught while reloading save files

Thanks! Updated them👍

This game had caught my eye because I love villain stories so much, learning the other side of the story is exciting.

Vice is actually my favorite so far, while Edel is interesting as a character and he will probably have an excellent story, but the red eye villain can not be denied.

The incident in the garden in the later part of the demo was unexpected and you bet I was going to use my fists!


Learning about their side will definitely be one of the keypoints of the story!😌

(1 edit)

Hey! I played the demo!

So, first and foremost, I have to say I was amazed with the game: the artstyle was beautiful, the GUI was splendid, the music carefully picked, the voice-acting excellent, and the implementation of the sprites was certainly my favourite part of this game (it was dynamic without making me dizzy, so great)!

Regarding the story, I enjoyed it a lot! It was full of humour, which I appreciated, but I'm genuinely interested in the scenario around Snare! I also enjoyed the interactions between Teresa and the actual main couple of the otome, as they were funny but, even in general, it's always neat to see friendship in otome games! For the love interests, I had a lot of fun interacting with them freely! I didn't feel constrained at all and, like Teresa somehow, had fun going wild (I had a lot of fun bullying Edel).

Teresa was a great protagonist too! She was amusing and adorable! More seriously, her whole anti-"not like other girls" attitude made me laugh, her interactions with Eric were surprisingly sweet but also very funny! Finally, the set-up for her being a "thron amongst roses" was very well-done

Overall, I really enjoyed this entry! Good luck with the development!

EDIT: Sorry, I completely ignored the questions fertebfr

1) I think I'm on Vincenzo's, but I really find both of them fun... I guess I just had too much fun bullying Edel...
2) I do think the whole "proposal" scene was fun, and yet, I enjoyed seeing some brotherly support!

3) Sure am!


*insert angry Teresa noises here*🤣

Thanks for taking the time to post! I'm glad you're enjoying it so far! 💞

Edel bullies you, so you bully Edel. It's equivalent exchange😤


Gosh, it's only the demo but I already love it so much!! The story is really interesting, and I really enjoyed the many references to the otome isekai genre (starting from truck-kun xD). The way the MC also keeps mentioning the red flags and how she hates being called "interesting", "amusing" or "not like other girls" had me ROFL xDDD It unlocked a memory of all the times I've seen that happen in Japanese otome games and it was hilarious seeing the MC address this in such a funny way.

The art is, of course, gorgeous, and I absolutely love how much life everything has! Since the MC is known for keeping a poker face, it was great to see her "headspace chibi expressions" to know what her face actually looks like deep inside xDD I also really loved the coding effects done with the text, they made the story all the more immersive and captivating!!

I honestly love all the characters that appeared, especially the MC and the love interests. I'm first and foremost team Vicenzo (more kitsuneme characters, HELL YES!!) but I absolutely loved Edel as well (even if he's responsible for many bad endings omg mercy please). The voice actors were great as well and very fitting to their characters, imo.

I'm really invested in the storyline and am super excited to know more!! <3 Awesome job, Ant and your team!!     


Facts! I was loving Edel but I was begging Vince to save me after a few bad endings 🤣


Thanks for taking the time to post!💞

I'm glad you like the characters so far🥰! Now time to hurt them /j (unless...😈)

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