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(1 edit)

IT IS SO F̶ DUCKING CUTEEEE AHHHHHHHHH. Seriously the game is so cute, fun, and romantic. Also, the story is so good and funny, and the ending was very happy! I really loved that every click the expressions change based on their talk and feelings, not that it is same photo repeatedly. The story is very unique, innocent, and interesting. Really good job to the creators. 👌🏻❤️❤️❤️❤️

Glad you enjoyed it! 🥰
It's coming to Steam, btw 😉
(Please wishlist 🥺)






Epic fans are always welcome🦆

I play this game once every year because it's just that good! I love them, they're so cute ahhh! I am desperate for more greek mythology otomes, especially if there's a silly spin on them (like the ducks on this one haha)

This will forever be one of my favourite otome games on itch! HOW is this free?!?!



EXCUSE ME?!?!?! My jaw is on the FLOOR?!?! No way did you just drop this and waddle away (pun intended)
My year has officially been made. Looking forward to more news ahhh!!!


More details coming soon. Stay tuned ☺️


I would call this game EPIC lol


Say that again...





best movie still wish i saw him naked lol


HI is someone able to help me get the other endings i have an android phone 


the cutest game ever!!!!


wahhhh I notice that everything was all work by anta itself im a fan now!! hoping to see more of your workss!! sendding lovee <33


cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee endinggggggggggggg


I HAIL TO YOUR ARTSTYLE.It's seriously breathtaking and gosh,nothing makes me giggle like your games and I could rant about them all day and all I have to say is thank you for making games im so in lovee

(1 edit) (+1)

HELLO. Thank you so much for making and sharing this game and above all i can't believe it's free?? i would definitely give a donation but i don't have the means to do so rn However once i do i will definitely donate! your game is so gorgeous breathtaking jawdropping and i can see the effort that you put into it so thank you again [sob]

i love the odyssey and odypen (and EPIC the musical lol) so i was super excited to see this game on!! and the game definitely DID NOT disappoint. i've been a lurker for a while now but i literally created an account just so I could comment how much i love and appreciate this game >.<

i recently read the penelopiad (by margaret atwood) and i'm not sure if you referenced it while writing the game script, but it really reminded me of the book! i really like how you emphasised that odysseus and penelope connect through storytelling, where they're both intrigued by the stories that they tell each other.

i really love the scenes between odysseus and penelope; they're so sweet without being cliché! i also think that the pacing of the story is perfect, where their relationship develops along with the plot, so it doesn't feel too fast/too slow. It's also so interesting that you included a main story branch, with one lighter route and one darker route, both of which i enjoyed very much!

i got the happy ending (where penelope confesses earlier) on my first try and it was so cute i almost died

the jab at the... telegony... in the pre-odyssey theatre lolol i hate it too.

i just have one question - in the pre-odyssey theatre why does odysseus say 'they would have linked [the hypothetical trojan duck]' to his bond with penelope? is that a bad thing for him?

(ps. sorry for the rambling)









  • "in the pre-odyssey theatre why does odysseus say 'they would have linked [the hypothetical trojan duck]' to his bond with penelope? is that a bad thing for him?"

>Cause, you know how he keeps blabbing about how much he loves his son and wife? Yeah. Everyone  in both forces know that he loves his wife, who everyone knows loves her ducks cause he also won't stop talking about it. If he made it in the form of a duck, the Trojans would've instantly known that it was a ploy from him 😂"Oh yes, definitely, this is from that duck guy."

As for Penelopiad, I haven't read it myself,  but it did come up a lot of times when I was doing research for this game, so what I gathered from it are just bits and pieces from the net. I'd say I did get a lot of info/inspo from what I did manage to find!

Funny thing about the different endings... it came to be that way cause I can't decide how the story would go, but couldn't bring myself to scrap one or the other, and then realized, 'hey, this is a visual novel... I CAN DO BOTH!'.

I'm glad you got the Telegony reference😉

Anyway, dw about rambling, I appreciate the effort to type it up. As a creator, it's a pleasure the hear the thoughts of the player/s🙏
Deleted 15 hours ago

Wait, really? Is the exam about The Odyssey or something?😮


Aww I would've loved a sequel to this game involving Telemachus but oh well. I really loved this game! I've been into greek mythology for a while (PJO series, epic the musical and all that) so this just fed into my cravings hehe.



I loved playing this. It was very cute. I recommend this to any visual novel lovers. I had a good time as a fan of Greek Mythology and of Epic the Musical.


"She's out of my league, and out of this world
But I couldn't seem to get over this girl
So I asked for help from the one I trusted most"
"You have got to be kidding me."


epic mentioned

does anyone know more games like this 

More like what, exactly? Greek myth? Romance? Fluff?

I adore this VN with all my heart, Ody is such a sweet man T-T


Absolutely Amazing, I'm been really getting into Odyssey type stuff recently like Epic: the musical, and this game was a delight to play!!


I really only now got to play it, as I'm looking for more Greek Myth inspired VNs, and I'm glad I finally did! It's not how I expected at first, but gosh it's so cute and funny! I love all the little ducks, and your art is always a delight to see! I really enjoyed the credits illustrations, really gorgeous!

I loved this tale of how they met, and the little theater in extras talking more about the Iliad and Odyssey. All around fun!!

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

THIS IS SO CUTE, I LOVE IT! I got one of the true ends first try, and it was wonderful. The art style looks amazing, and the duck puns are top-tier; I 100% recommend playing this!! <33

First visual novel, best visual novel ❤️ 

You're right, not enough duck puns, not enough ducks...

That aside, a really great wholesome, adorable romcom; this is the game you play after a rough/long day to bring your mood up! Or just want some cutsie romance before bed~

I absolutely adore this game, especially the soundtrack that plays on the following day, my favourite! It's short and has a lot of emotions, highly recommend c:









i found this game by chance when i was filling my playlist for otome games; and honestly, i wasn't expecting much! 

i am not too familiar with the greek mythology, but this game was too enjoyable for me!! i find both penelope and odysseus adorable (i wish i could hug themm)

**possible spoilers(?) and constant rambling**

when i read that this game had many bad endings, i knew that there was no way i would be able to get the happy ending at first (i have this ability, superpower, or whatever to get the bad ending first) and i was genuinely surprised when i got the friendship end at first try (idk but i was really happy that this game was an exception to my curse) and got the happy end at the second one!!

personally, i don't have a "favourite" ending, since i regard both the happy ends as the best ones, but the ending in which penelope had to disguise as a servant was too precious T^T

i like yanderes, and i got those vibes from odysseus too (just one of my various reasons to love him <3)

i played another game, called The Princess of The Tower Wants A Hero, and the art in that game was also reallyy pretty, and also got that game's vibes in this!

overall, i love the character designs in this game, but it was a shame that not all the characters (penelope's father and odysseus' two friends) had faces and we never got a chance to see penelope's cousin (helen?) T^T

also, please help me gett all the CGs!! i can't get the CGs in the fourth page that are on the top-left and top-right!! T^T

thankyou for this game (and reading) <3333

(1 edit) (+1)

Is that the last page? Then it's probably the alternate ending?

There should be a walkthrough .txt file in the game folder for that! ;)

yes, yes the last page!!

I think I got all the main endings (since I read the walkthrough), friendship endings and bad endings but the last page is still incomplete T^T

Yeah, that's should be it.

There are three routes, and two of them are variations with slight altercations and the final one has a different-ish resolution. Are you sure you got them all? Can you post a screenshot of your gallery?

this is it...

(2 edits)

Oh yeah... you still don't have ending 2 (I think that's Route 3 in the walkthrough?). You should be able to get the other CG as well if you manage to get that route.

I believe that one should be the 'lore' ending which focuses a lil' more on their myth. It also somewhat has a more serious tone. You'll see :)

(Honestly, it's also meant to be played last. I personally consider it as the canon route)

NOOOOOO the game froze just when the pixelated image of him shirtless nAURRRR


I hope you saved 🥺


bro why do i be playing these type of games like bffr this is why men and woman and folks in between dont date me 

I love your games They are all so cute and I can't stop playing them!!!


This is so good! I've been hyperfixating on the Odyssey lately (mostly due to the Epic musical being released), so when I saw this, I was immediately interested. The music is wonderful, the art is spectacular, the story is incredibly well done, and the ducks are just

I love the ducks :D


Epic is cool. Got into it myself after I finished making this game😂

I created this account JUST so I could talk about how much I love this game. I audibly gasped NOO0 when icarius refused the marriage. Odysseus and Penelope are so pookie I love them and I absolutely adore the ducks they are my spirit animals atp

live laugh love ducks

Glad you loved this enough to make an account❤️

ANYTIMEEEEE im actually obsessed

(2 edits) (+2)

This game is awesome and will very most likely always have a special place into my heart.

This was so, so good. Thank you very much for creating that game.

(edit: just replayed the game and holy moly what was all those endings that I didn't get?? such a full and precious game)

hi, I just finished the game and everything in the gallery and let me just say THIS IS SO GOOD!!! I was wondering if you know any games similar to this because oh my gosh I just wish I could play again without knowing the rest of the story!!


quack chain?




Quack! revive the quack chain!

Sorry to spam message here but I was wondering if you’d consider putting your games someday on Nintendo Switch?  I actually don’t have Switch myself but essentially it seems like a lot of Otome fans use that device and might not be willing or able to use PC.  I’d love for more indie developers to become really successful.  I have read a short article which essentially says it’s possible for indie developers to get on Switch:  How to make a game for Switch

Anyways, you already have several finished games.  I think similar to say Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles or any other property you don’t have to create brand new stories from scratch every year.  Basically I think you could grow your audience by putting existing works onto platforms that other people use—to them it would just be a brand new game.  Of course you could do some revamping if you want.  With this Greek myth game I’d suggest not having the silhouette of a duck behind the character when their icon appears.  But other than that it’s honestly fine as is.

Anyways just a thought.  I think it’d be exciting to see a small developer going the next level.  If possible.

They make it sound easy, but there's a reason why not as many indie otome devs (or indie VN devs, for that matter) port to Switch, especially not free titles😅

The only way for me to ever port/release on Switch is if a publisher offers to do it for me.

Yeah it’s just a hypothetical.  But I think you could sell your game.   Doesn’t have to remain free, I don’t think.  And with new games you create obviously you could start out selling them.  Obviously you’d want to make sure you get a copyright and such if you don’t already have one.  

But yeah, I don’t know how much time you want to spend or how much potential risk.  

It’s fine of course to create just as a hobby.  

But I know from my own career that generally if you don’t actively seek connections and essentially market yourself it might not be discovered.  Probably even just getting an interview or talking to publishers who have worked with Nintendo might at least somewhat put you on at least some publishers radar maybe.  

This looks like it might be a company that publishes games to Switch:

You’ll have to double check everything because I just did a search.  It’s always good to get confirmation and testimonials from their prior customers.

Sorry, just purely wishing the best, but no worries at all—your games are already reaching a lot of people and bringing a smile as is. 


I am slowly making my way through all your games and I finally played this one and omgosh fljhghjhv.  😂  Needless to say I loved it.  I unlocked all the endings and the 3rd ending where we get all the lore, just chefs kiss.  

I am such a sucker for The Princess of the Tower Wants a Hero and now this story too, Pre-Odyssey.  These stories of really cute love stories are just the best.  I honestly will cherish them always.  Not even kidding.  I will definitely be rereading them when I feel sad and thinking of them because I love these kinds of stories.

Both of the leads in Pre-Odyssey were so lovable.  Their dynamic is so great too.  

I really think this story could make a very nice short anime.  Definitely you shouldn’t forget these stories you created.  They’re good enough to have future adaptations someday.  

Aww thanks!

I do imagine my stories as anime first, so haha😂 


the romance and story was chefs kiss! 10/10 PLAY IT IF U HAVENT!

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