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(1 edit)

Just played the demo last night and loved it! The humor and self awareness of the MC makes it so fun. 
Both LI were really intriguing so I had a hard time choosing which to focus on for a bit. Count Brillhart (sorry, Count Vicenzo) is a babe.  
But then I saw Edel’s little murderous intent face and it was done. I’m locked in. I’m invested. And I’m eagerly awaiting the release of this full game. 

Dear Anta,

My name is Zogar, and I am a fan of your visual novel Thorn for the Villain~ Reincarnated as an Extra in an Otome Game?!. I really enjoyed the story and characters, and I believe that Russian-speaking players would also love to experience your game.

I would like to ask for your permission to translate Thorn for the Villain into Russian. I have experience in translating visual novels, and I aim to provide a high-quality translation that stays true to the original writing. If you agree, I can share my progress with you to ensure that the translation meets your expectations.

Please let me know if you would be interested in this. I would love to help make your game accessible to a wider audience.

Looking forward to your response!

Best regards,


When are you planning to release it this year? Follow up! I really want to play the full version, but I cannot make purchases on is there any future plan to adding it to steam or any other digital game site?

(1 edit) (+1)

I still don't have an exact date at the moment. There's a possibility of another delay especially due to sudden unforeseen circumstances. I'll be posting a devlog announcement if there is already a date. Feel free to follow me on Bsky for more frequent updates.

As for Steam, that's already mentioned in the FAQs devlog (linked in the front page).  I also have a Ko-Fi store where it'll also be released (and I believe they should also have more payment options).

waves! will we be able to get a male mc choice ever? 


"Whose route would you choose first? And why?"
I am a rebel by heart, so naturally my first instinct was to refuse the guy who tried to stronghand his way into an engagement.
(Although I DO admire him for his trick, I much prefer manipulation over force.)

That said, the Butler intrigued me right from the start.
And he kept getting better at every turn. (and bad end) ^_^

-"What's your favorite scene/event? "
Hrm... Nothing actually stands out in the Demo.
Other than the Bad Ends of course. lol

-Are you interested in playing the full release? (The full game will be PAID)
I'd happily pay for this game if it was on Steam.
Doubly so if it was a really long game.
I'd probably buy any DCL content too.

Unless, of course, it turns out that the love interests have some sort of hidden do-gooder motive shit. I am SO sick and tired of thinking a character is amazing and evil only to find out he's doing it to help orphans or save someone or have a robin hood complex or some other anti-hero shait. >_>

-"Are the LIs villainous enough for you?"

So far they seem to be. Provided I don't discover the above-mentioned later on in the game.

If he takes over the kingdom, he should be a tyrant, not a benevolent ruler.

If he's a killer, he should kill for profit, not for some justice/just cause.
(If he is just loyal to his master and just plain enjoys killing, that's fine too.)

In short: A villain should never be able to truly justify their actions.
(They may try to, but everyone sees a villain for a villain.
Ask anyone, and they'll still say the Joker is a villain, regardless what the Joker justify his actions with.
Same goes for every true villain out there.)

I don't know what the goals of that organization is, or why they do it, but I will be VERY happy if it's a plot to gain power because they are power-hungry, or get rich or any other selfish and self-centered goals.

(Or if the love interest leaders are exploiting everyone else in the organization, like the Joker does in the Clown War when he pretends he has some just cause but in reality he just want to burn Gotham down to lure batman back cuz he misses his beloved... Now THAT is a complicated love interest, and a posterboy for unhealthy relationships. ...not necessarily in a bad way, as long as it stays in a game. Which is something I don't say often. lol
But I got off topic. My apologies....)

It's fine if they love the main character and want to treat her nice (although I am fine with them being a bit cruel as well, but people have different tastes there), but they shouldn't care about homeless people or starving puppies and whatnot.

So as long as they are what they appear to be in the Demo, then they are villainous enough. ^_^

(If you ever plan to make a yandere game, please tell me.
You may actually manage to create a realistic love interest in it that is capable of both being nice and cruel based on if the mc accept or reject them. lol )


As a side-note tho, I will say this:

I don't actually mind that Brillheart try and strongarm you into the stuff he does.
I enjoy being able to rebel against it at every turn.
It may be a little irritating, but there is a dark sense of pleasure in being able to lash out at him and reject him when he tries.

(I may even try his route at a later point. My admiration for him rises at every cunning and manipulative trick he pulls. I'm just stubborn when it comes to people trying to force me. lol)

The fact that you CAN lash out and reject him --or try-- that is a VERY good thing. It makes the game feel a whole lot better to play.

Even if it had come with a bad end, being able to rebel against things, even impossible to change things, feels very good.

So you are clearly doing something right.

So kudos! ^_^

Oh, hey! You have the Trapped With Jester game!

Should have known you were able to create a true villain then. ^_^

I like that game. Kinda wish it was longer tho.

I suspect the question if the villain is villainous enough can be answered with a no. But that's based on experience from other games.

So the real answer is this: Does he kill people for his own gain and NOT because of some moralistic ideal, or anti-hero shit? (Revenge can go both ways and depends on the scale of destruction.)
Then he may -actually- qualify as a villain.

If he doesn't kill anyone, have a moral code, or in any way does not behave like a typical villain in, say, Marvel or Disney movies, he is not villainous enough.

The best villains will not care one whit if he kills just about every other person on the face of the planet.
But assuming he's human (and not a psychopath) he will still be able to fall in love, and have a soft-spot for the one he loves. He will even kill to protect that person.
But never change his wicked ways. That's what makes him a villain; he always puts himself first.
(With his love interest a very close second of course, as this -is- a romance game.
Think the Joker and Harley in Suicide Squad or Mad Love.)

(I have seen far to many anti-heroes passed off as 'villains' only to se the so-called 'villain' turn out to be a good guy or somehow misunderstood in the end. >_>)

But let's open the game before we judge it. lol


The game have a very unique artstyle.
Not as polished as most otome games have, but perhaps more atmospheric.

It's still very nice tho.

And well-written so far.

I look forward to see what makes such a big difference in the path of ditching someone that it requires an update.
I honestly expected it to loop back to the main story and only cause a bit more trouble for a certain whitehaired man....

I would have said I'm annoyed that you can't refuse him --not because I dislike him (he intrigues me thus far)-- but because I like having choices.

But as that is clearly meant to come in the future, I'd rather applaud you for HAVING a choice. ^_^
...even if I have to wait for it. lol

I DO like the butler tho. ^_^

Not that I mind playing with a skilled manipulator --that's always fun.
But the butler seems much darker for some reason...
(And a bit homicidal. ❤️ )

Ooooh~ I like the butler A LOT!!! ❤️
(Around the first bad ending.... Sadly for the same reason I ended up liking Mr. Gap in Homicipher.... Maybe I should talk to my AI theraphist about it. xD)

The best love interest are to die for~ ❤️

The timed answer was cunning tho.

I have to admit Brillheart is cute.
And very tricky to figure out.
Very unique character design. He does not fit any of the typical otome characters --I can spot those a mile away, and they're always the same.
But Brillheart is different. 

I recognize a predator when I see him, of course.
But it's very subtle.
Or rather; the shape of his darkness eludes me.
This does not happen often.
Color me intrigued. ^_^

I agree with the butler...his boss is too soft.


I feared I had used up all the good games here. I'm happy to see this game proving me wrong. ^_^

I am also happy that the villains do seem like TRUE villains... although until I understand their motivations, it's hard to be sure.

Is this game available on Steam?
Or will it be?

I only ever buy games there, but I really want this one. ^_^

Honestly, both Edel and Vicenzo are cute but is my brother

I like the art! Also it's nice that the game aknowledged twins of different genders usually look differently.


I am so going for Edel first xD He is the type of bully who enjoys teasing the girl he likes and I'm here for it xD

Also Eric is my spirit animal, I love him ♥

(1 edit) (+1)

Me diving headfirst for Edel's route because he's so my type it's ridiculous: Vicenzo get your sleazy ass out of my face I've got a hottie to be killed multiple times by!!

This is actually the first ever game that I've decided to spend money on (not even the sh*tty HoyoVerse pull rates could make me crack). I WILL not rest until the full game comes out and I've wifed Edel. I usually don't even like playing as a female character, but MC's hilarious and so relatable. 

I got into playing this game after seeing that "Truck-kun strikes yet again!" :D that got me hooked!


are we sure this isn't a horror game? because I'm playing it at 2 in the morning and got jumpscared by edel's tactics 😊😄

also, I knew the art style was somewhat familiar... i remember getting trapped with jester, no? both are gooodddd, I can't wait for this one to release thoo


I mean, I did consider adding the horror tag, but people who are looking for horror might get disappointed 😂

And thanks. If you want to keep updated, you can follow the account if you haven't yet! 


remind me when it got released, just hmu, i'll get my wallet ready

If you're a Follower, you should receive progress updates via e-mail!☺️

(1 edit)

I adore it so so much, cant wait until its finished!

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Edel screw u for killing me 4 times 😡  But also I cant choose between them cause their both fineee. 👀

I love the game though!

is there a way not to die?

Yeah. Check the comment thread here:


IM SO HOOKED ALREADY FROM THE DEMO !! this is too good i literallt went crazy oh my goddd I CANT WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I choose final boss and did he just imprisoned me in his house?!!But I love Vicenzo tho🥲🤌(I played demo version)

The story is interesting

(1 edit)

Both Vicenzo and Edel are creepy, but if I had to choose... Vicenzo, as of the garden scene in my garden in the demo, he seems the least threatening of the LIs. They're both ok when they're not threatening me lol. Too early to judge my favorite scene. I might play the full release since I do tend to get hooked on trials, as long as they don't scare me sh****ss. Will I fall in love with them, who knows?


Just believe that you will have an OTP😌(couldn't help it 😂)

But if you've played my other (longer) games, you should more or less have an idea how I do romance, though of course, they're quite different archetypes from the ones I've made before.

I love how the file in the android version is called "jester" and the downlading "traped with jester" like... for a second i thogh i didn't install the right file 😭

I loved this demo!!!

-Whose route would you choose first? And why?

I chose Vicenzo's route without a second thought! He's so pretty and I'm a sucker for the two-faced schemer archetype. A lot of his interactions ended up being sweet or funny, so I'm very happy.

-What's your favorite scene/event?

My favorite scene is torn between when Vicenzo interrupted Teresa's tea party and when he stepped in when the prince was being gross. In general, Vicenzo's lowkey manipulative gestures are really intriguing.

-Are you interested in playing the full release? (The full game will be PAID)

Yes for sure!! I saw somewhere that the projected price would be $9.69 and I can't believe that price! You could definitely go up if you'd like. So many people seem to be enthusiastic to support the game and play more of the story.

-Are the LIs villainous enough for you?

I think so! I wasn't quite feeling it in the beginning, but the two LI's occasional threats and the story hinting at ulterior motives is compelling.

-Other comments are welcome!

I had so much fun playing this game! I loved Teresa and Eric's sibling dynamic. They're so funny together and I'm looking forward to any more interactions with them. They make fun of each other and bicker, but you can tell they care about each other a lot. Also, I went back and tried to get the ending where Teresa didn't die but no dice. I'll go ahead and list my choices during my first playthrough since I saw you ask someone else what they chose.

  1. Love you
  2. Yes (name confirmation)
  3. Nothing...!
  4. Good-looking
  5. Meet up
  6. Remain quiet
  7. Be blunt
  8. Yes
  9. Accept the bouquet
  10. Rat him out
  11. Be lenient on the butler
  12. Threaten him
  13. Hold. Back.
  14. Excuse me... can you please let go?
  15. Let it go
  16. Take his arm
  17. Ask about the prince
  18. Take one
  19. Yeah
  20. Do it, you coward
  21. Take his hand
  22. Backtrack

Thank you for making such a fun game!


Are you looking for no death end? 

Just pick a different choice for the final option. I hope you have a save file (don't pick backtrack) 😅

Omg thank goodness I save at every choice lol. Thank you so much for your help!

Saving at every choice is how real pros do it 🫡

Is there no way around this? I keep dying

There should be. What are the choices for this?

Well my choices were being mean to Edel and nice to Vicenzo. Then I was in the part where Vicenzo was showing you items and no matter the choices I picked I would always get killed by Edel afterwards


Hm... it's not a matter of being mean or nice to either one, but it is possible to get locked into the bad ending at the final option if you pick certain very specific choices, which honestly, is more difficult to get than the safe end.

Is that an older version of the game? Cause that might be one.

Another is your first choice when you meet Edel (the one with the very first CG). If you choose to ask about the boss, it makes everything harder for you.

Another is if you never snitch on him (you should). 

Cant wait for this drop. I bought it on that other website you had and am so ready. Will the Android version be updated with the full release? Im playing from my computer and want to also play on my phone lol😝

I'm considering on doing a simultaneous Android release if there will be no problems with the testing later on, though it would be a direct port, which means the UI will not be optimized for mobile gameplay... that is to say, I'm concerned about the comfort with playing (small text, difficult to press buttons, etc.).

-So, I might run a survey/poll when the time comes if people would be alright with that.

Also note that there's no cross-play or file transfer between versions, so you will have to choose only one, unless you want to play two separate files.

Im already playing the story on both my computer and my phone lol😝 If the android needs a little longer release, im perfectly fine with that. The better and more set it is, the more i can be with my Vinny☺️

The story is indeed wonderful, though I always managed to enter a route where my character dies. I should have considered my choices lolol. This really made me act nice toward the villains

i swear vicenzo's eyes get me every time. 



oh I adore this bad- I never spend money on games usually, but this is one I am willing to because oh my god its so goodddddddd!!!! the team has done an amazing job, im shocked I wen from hating Vicenzo to absolutely adoring him haha, amazing work, I only noticed like one grammatical error but other than that it was perfect <3 (although personally I'd like more options for punching people, Teressa is way better at keeping her cool than me-)


I want to pursue Edel AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

i adored playing through this - it's a wonderful love letter to isekai/transmigration stories! looking forward to seeing more!

(i did notice some grammatical errors here and there, but nothing that took away from my enjoyment; if you ever decide to look for an editor, i volunteer as tribute <3)


I mean, you're free to post errors here if you'd like! Someone posted mistakes in the comments below too. 

Or I might make an anonymous feedback box for the next devlog update as well🤔


-Whose route would you choose first? And why?
tbh i was aiming for EDEL at the beginning bcs i like dark haired mls and he seems like someone u can do enemies-to-lovers trope with... but as the story goes he starts to get more yandere?? and overprotective?? of vicenzo, and i was having DOUBTS like is he rly the love interest??? so idk maybe in the full version i might choose vicenzo?? but i still wanna go w/ edel so ig edel it is (hopefully i can fix him)

-What's your favorite scene/event?
when edel took off his mask + when estella was being DENSEEE with a tired henry

-Are you interested in playing the full release? (The full game will be PAID)
I AM!!!!!! for a 150k+ otome game???? with this beautiful art and interesting story?????? worth it

-Are the LIs villainous enough for you?

edel is definitely villainous.. vicenzo? not sm, hes too soft (but ig we'll see more of his villainous side in the full release?)

(1 edit)

Thank you so very much for the demo! I can't wait for the full release :3

-Whose route would you choose first? And why?

Vicenzo, no questions asked. He hits all my trope boxes and sells the two-faced prince persona so DAMN well. Best thing is I can kinda see, the start or semblance of some feelings from his side?? Or maybe I am delusional... Either way, I like him a lot.

-What's your favorite scene/event?

The dance with Vicenzo felt very memorable and I could feel the sparks flying. When I think about it... basically every scene with Vicenzo? I am definitely biased.

-Are you interested in playing the full release? (The full game will be PAID)

Yes, I am actually on my way to get extended beta :D

-Are the LIs villainous enough for you?

I admit that Edel is not quite doing it for me, he is like unhinged psycho while Vicenzo is the flair I like. Calculating bastard if you will.

The demo is amazing, I really enjoyed it.I got both the ending without dying and dying, I really loved the art it's so pretty and the voice acting is also amazing and I really loved the writing as well, the LIs were also very interesting.


-Whose route would you choose first? And why?

I'm not sure because I can't decide who I liked more between Vicenzo and Edel.

-What's your favorite scene/event?

I like the scene where Edel took off his mask and when we talk about the marriage agreement with Vicenzo

-Are you interested in playing the full release?
(The full game will be PAID)

I think I would be very interested in buying the full game once it's out if I had money since it is not out of my price range!! I am also interested in maybe buying the early bird discount so I might just do it :D

-Are the LIs villainous enough for you?

They are definitely villainous from description but Vincenzo haven't shown much of his evil side, Edel def did though!

Just finished the demo, and I love it! I'll try to somehow buy the full game when it releases.

I enjoyed playing it, I haven't tried other options yet nor died (I saw a comment mentioning it). Or tried going for Edel's route in the demo. I'm excited for it, Vincenzo looked like I wouldn't like him except for his white hair, but his cocky and sometimes gentle charms (even if he's faking it or not, idk) made me love him.


The demo is awesome, i'll try saving to buy the full release.

This game is gorgeous! The visuals, the soundtrack, everything is so well crafted; it really shows how much passion has been put into this. 

I was wondering if you were interested in a free Spanish translation for the game. I am a final-year student of English-Spanish translation, and I'm currently looking for a project to get my degree. If you are interested, I would be very excited to work with you.

Keep up the amazing work; your game is awesome!

If you are interested, please contact me at: 



I played the demo and enjoyed it. Managed to make it to the end the first time without dying by being a continuous dick to both Edel and Vicenzo.

 I do not know if this is intentional, but when I  went back through to choose nicer or more receptive options I was always killed by Edel and it wasn't really clear why? What decisions trigger him going sicko mode?

It's not a matter of being nice or mean to them, rather, it's more like this:

for me its either when you snitch on him or not


-Whose route would you choose first? And why?

I wonder if there will be a route where we could kill both of the love interests lol. I would try to go for that route first, not that I hate the LI's, but they both frustrated me sometimes during the game, Edel for killing me so many times and Vicenzo for being too cocky, but I guess that's a part of their charm lol


Hi! I recently purchased the Special Dialogue option but it seems the form is no longer open? Is that the case? Just wanted to be sure I hadn't made a mistake. Thank you very much for your help!

Do you mean that the link in the .txt file isn't working, or do you mean that you can't download the  .txt file that has the link? 

Thank you for your quick response! I can download the file, and the link does open a form, but I can't fill it out. It shows the message: "The form Contact information is no longer accepting responses."

Thanks for informing me! Looks like my drive prevented any form of editing cause it was almost full😅

Try again if it works now.


It's working now, thank you so much for your help!! ^^


For context, I have only played 1 run-through of the game, aiming for Vicenzo's route. 

There are 2 questions I'd like to answer for feedback!

Whose route would you choose first? And why?

I liked Vicenzo's overall character design and personality over Edel's. Vicenzo's design sold the whole "2-faced" prince vibe and I loved it. His white hair and fox-like expression make him feel innocent yet deceiving and playful.

I think Edel's character just wasn't for me. He felt like a dilf (lol I'm sorry I like pretty boys) with an unaesthetic look to his messiness. 

What's your favorite scene/event?

My favorite scenes would have to be when the mc came to eat food with Vicenzo and Edel, and the final scene with the creepy text!

I loved the first scene because I thought it nicely explored each of the characters. Such as the mc's love for food, Vicenzo's obsession for spicy cupcakes, and Edel's undying loyalty to please and obey his master. It was funny how you could force Edel to eat a spicy cupcake (lmao). Honestly, I feel like it was much deserved because he threatened us. Plus, it was cute and funny to see him react the way Edel did (testing the bounds of his bond with Vicenzo LOL).

And for the final scene, I liked it because it was the first time we (as the reader and not the mc) felt just how cruel the game can be, which is fun! Playing a romance game and then suddenly remembering how scary these situations actually are, makes it all more immersive and engaging. 

Sorry for the long feedback but I hope this helps! I had fun playing the game and look forward to seeing more!

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