TERESA IS SO REAL, like its always the 'interesting' 'amusing' and sometimes it 'your not like other girls' so frickin annoying T-T. She's so relatable, why are main characters so dense.
I was drawn to this game for Count Vicenzo , two faced fox troupe x soft for mc troupe/would kill for mc possibly? is *chefs kiss* and honestly stayed for MC and Count Vicenzo them being together is such a delight, I love every scene that Vicenzo is in and also where he punishes that trollish butler for her, may Edel lick dirt off of the tiles mc walks on
yeah when it comes out my wallet will shed paper tears for your game 100%
in my opinion yes but also the sadist in me wants to see Vicenzo get a bit crazier when protecting her from trollish butlers >:) side note: I love his eyes
I have been playing the demo non-stop for about an hour now. I don't think I've laughed like that in CENTURIES. I love the main character, and the plot is super interesting, the little chibi drawings to show her inner emotions are the best 10/10.
Helloo I wanna ask what programs you use for making games? Love the art btw, the demo was really fun I really wanna buy the game but I dont have the money rn (I do plan on buying it in the future :3)
DEMO was really nice! I loved the effort put into the sprites, animations and sfx even though i assume it was tedious putting those in. The art is quite unique with the watercolor style and i just really like the subtle details... C'mon the cute blue loading screen rose? Ackk
On another note, i was seriously stressed for my girl. My choices got her killed in the end, but! I'm most looking forward to the world building and relationship progression between characters because they seem to have a lot of depth. How much do you suppose the final game would cost? ^^
Hello, sorry to bother, I would like to know how you make sure your character assets are not in the download folder, I'm going crazy so I can protect my assets, thank you
So i am going to buy the early bird sometime this week, but how long will it be available for? Also when the next update happens will there be more story to the early bird discount?
This was amazing!!! The art, voice acting, story, facial expressions, soundtrack, and dialogue were incredible. Everything is so polished. Thank you for this masterpiece. I've played other visual novels, but this was my first actual Otome! I'm definitely looking forward to future updates and plan to buy the full game. :)
I really loved this game, but omfg it was so hard to not die 😭😭 (but even if Edel kills me, I loved his character, and I'm just so anxious for when the game updates)
One more thing! I played on my phone so Android service, and it went really well tbh, didn't it crash or anything just appeared sometimes messages saying that it was disabled and I guess it was because it was a demo, so everything it's good!
i was looking for a game that could maybe take away my boredom AND BOY was i hooked!!!! havent had that amount of fun in a while!!
i absolutely loved the game and all the characters! mc's has a nice personality and so does her friends and twin, but the two villains were really top notch! they both are so scary and mysterious, but are also very funny and mischievous, which was really enjoyable to see as love interests!
now i'm sad that the demo is over because i was planning on staying up til morning playing it T-T can't wait for the full game to be out!! keep up the good work <333
este juego es asombroso podria decir mas palabras pero al final volveria a lo mismo, me encanta vicenzo, sin duda pagare por el juego si no tiene un precio demasiado caro, mi moneda no es el dolar asi que a mi conversion me saldra mas caro pero aun asi amo este juego
when i go to pay using my card it doesn't show up. I really want to play this game more lol. Is there more content then what the demo has right now when i buy it?
That's likely an issue on Itchio's part, so I couldn't really help with that😅
Only for the early beta access tier. Currently, there's a short extra scenario from where the public demo ends, but they should be getting an updated build TBA.
I want to say thank you for being a dev who actually engages with your fans lol as cheesy as that may sound i really do appreciate it🩵😝 I have seen other devs who will get comments on their games and never respond then ultimately dropping their game because they don't listen to or even take time to engage in their community so i just wanted to say thank you 😉 🩵 Now back to the game i will buy it on the website soon and also i do have one more question. I actually downloaded it on the Android version (runs smooth by the way no crashes, freezes, or anything) so my question(s) is when i buy the game soon will i be able to play it on the android still? Will my progress save? (I have zero 0% problems playing it over again as Vinny will be mines or me his😅🩵 lol) Thanks again🩵😝
With the current (unreleased) build I'm working on right now, it should -theoretically- be able to load the old save file, however, I've made some changes that may break the game's UI if you use an old save file, so I wouldn't recommend that. Additionally, if you're sticking with the Android build, I've previously addressed that the mobile version won't be receiving any update until after I complete the game, as stated here, as I will have to customize the UI for a more comfortable mobile experience (which, again, can only be done after finishing the complete build).
So i cant denie that i love this story so far. I might buy the full game but want to know how much? The pricing i see above is confusing lol. As for the questions:
-Whose route would you choose first? And why?
I wasnt aware there were other routes since i figued the mask man in beginning was not the boss. Might replay later to see.
-What's your favorite scene/event?
I can't answer this because i found acouple parts deemed too good. But the part that gave me the spooky a bit was when we said how tge stone was stolen and how Vinny (yes my nickname for the cutie) said how they should have their tongue cut off😭😝
-Are you interested in playing the full release?
(The full game will be PAID)
Depends on the pricing. I really enjoyed this game and really do want more but i won't pay and over exaggerating price. No offense to the creator of the game but that's not something im comfortable with doing as other games i buy are usually either discount price, my brothers money, or just at a certain price range but i won't say more as im already sounding very petty🤣
-Are the LIs villainous enough for you?
I love this damn game ok can't lie. As a girl who can also keep a deadpan face, her emotions inside and out are somewhat relatable. As for Vinny (again yes that's his name now from me😏) my i can't wait to see how this story goes with him. Maybe a ending with him wouldn't be so bad. Edel STOP TRYING to kill me😭😤
-Other comments are welcome!
Mobile version works nice and same goes for the window version. My only thing would be if you can add a ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO OVERWRITE THIS SAVE FILE because i accidentally saved over a part i wanted to go back to. While i was able to go back to choice with the backward and rechoose my choice, its still something that would help people like me lol
This game is very good. I wish not to spoil much so if you are debating whether or not to download, I say the demo is enough of a reason. Try it out and you won't be disappointed. I'm not😏
For the pricing, the regular price will be $9.69, but I'm running a donation promo with reward perks, one of which is 'pre-ordering' the game for $6.69 (early bird discount). Donations will go into funding the game development (since I won't be running a Kickstarter).
So if i just want to buy the game i only pay 10? That's actually better then. Is that something i can buy right now or no? You have now won me over and now Vinny (yes still calling him that will be mine or me his i do not care😏) Is there more of story avaliable right now if i am to buy? Also is will my progress save or will i have to restart? I wouldnt mind restarting if that is case im addicted😝
my apologies as i have just read the FAQs lol as of after giving a response back lol. Also really random but my brother does some Voice acting on the side. If you would want more in game i can see if he would be interested lol
Such a good game! I was so sad that it was only the demo. I love it so far and will be waiting for the completed version.
-[Whose route would you choose first? And why?]-
That's tricky. At first, I preferred the appearance of Edel, but as the story went on, I quickly put together who the boss was and enjoyed their personality a lot more. I think it would be interesting if there were another love interest, the prince for example, and if they somehow played a part in the Snare.
-[What's your favorite scene/event?]-
I enjoyed the beginning scene, as I had never played an otome before and was happy to get the definition.
-[Are you interested in playing the full release?]-
I would love to buy the game! I sadly am only able to play on a browser so if you can make it compatible with Chromebooks or playable on a browser, I would be forever in your debt.
-[Are the Love Interests villainous enough for you?]-
Oh my god. Yes. I love them, although I wish there was more of a villainous side for Vincenzo. Maybe there is and we just haven't seen it yet.
-[Other comments are welcome!]-
Well, I have a few things.
First, I knew someone named Vincenzo and I wanted to check if the pronunciation is Vin-Chen-zoe
Second, is there a playable version of Eternal Blessing of the Stars?
Other than that I loved this and can not wait for the full version!
Ahh! It's so good, *after looking who the author is* No wonder I liked it so much! It's the same person who did Trapped with Jester. Okay, but anything else aside, thank You for a great story, can't wait to see more :)
1. chose vicenzo because i love a psycho with morality
2. favorite scene is a certain violent one in a certain garden.. idk i just loved the description
3. i will be very very interested in paying for the full game (when i am not broke)
4. i love vicenzo's villainy because he seems to have a sense of justice? edel is ok. sadists are ok i guess. but he should STOP ******** ME? THIS IS THE THIRD TIME
5. comments: daydreamed about this for the whole day <333 im so in love. and i just found out this was made by the same person who made that story about odysseus and penelope + duck puns?
talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before, unafraid to reference or not reference, put it in a blender, shit on it, vomit on it, eat it, give birth to it
I think I would choose Vincenzo, it feels like the smoothest route to flow into considering we are in a trial engagement.
-What's your favorite scene/event?
I like all the dialogue scenes with the FL's inner thought bubbles. They are very relatable and funny. For Vincenzo I think the scenes of him laughing are cute, for Edel it was nice to see him show his dark side early on.
-Are you interested in playing the full release?
(The full game will be PAID)
If I ever reach a point I can pay for the paid game, yes would definitely consider this game. I honestly want a manga version of this as a story!
-Are the LIs villainous enough for you?
Hmmm it's hard to say because I feel like they are not? But I think it's more to do with the awkward way we see the dark side. The part that I think worked well as a villain side was the ending part for Edel. The initial scares feel a bit strange because there is this "he wouldn't dare" so it isn't as scary but it's too intense to be subtle.
AAAAAAH, I'M SORRY ABOUT REPLYING AFTER 3 MONTHS :C But, eh, yes, if possible since I read quite fast and my wrists are not as good as they used to, so double clicking all the time kinda hurts my hand after some time, unfortunately.
I would choose Edel first because we meet him first and he's really cool. He's also a very very pretty man so I would obsess over him the most, and he just seems like his route would be more interesting.
-What's your favorite scene/event?
My favourite scene is after we meet Edel and he laughs at us. He just seemed like a funny person.
-Are you interested in playing the full release?
This game is all could think about since I started playing, so if I have enough money, I would definitely play the full release.
-Are the LIs villainous enough for you?
The death endings and stuff were unexpected and scary, so I think that they're enough for meeee!
This was such an amazing game! I've been replaying over and over again! The MC's inner thoughts made me laugh quite a few times because that's what i always think when playing Otome games!
-Whose route would you choose first? And why?
Hard for me to choose but I would have to say Edel, I love his character so much! In all honesty, when we made a deal with him at the beginning my first thought was if he was an option.
-What's your favorite scene/event?
Definitely when Vicenzo forced Edel to eat those muffins. I had to take a second and laugh. Made me question if Edel was okay after that and if he drank a gallon of water just to get rid of that taste.
-Are you interested in playing the full release?
Definitely! It was so entertaining to play! I'm super interested in what you can do later on in the game, and I just couldn't handle that cliffhanger!
-Are the LIs villainous enough for you?
I'd say yeah, I like how they aren't too villainous to the point where you don't even want to talk with them but they aren't good people either and you can see that.
I don't know what that means... someone had already reported that it works for them, so if it's not installing at all, then it might be a compatibility issue which I could do nothing about, sorry.
I think I'd have to go with Edel, neither love interest is the type id usually go for they tend to act a bit too airheaded. Edel mostly seems to do it around his boss, so I do prefer him then theres the dark hair plus multi color eyes and thats just so dam fine lol
-What's your favorite scene/event?
I think my favorite scene would have to be MC bickering with her brother during the engagement thing, or Edel in the after they first meet when hes laughing and takes off his mask for the first time.
-Are you interested in playing the full release?
I dont really know, if its free to play then probably. I do like the game its fun to play and I did really enjoy it, but neither love interest is what I tend to like in these kids of games so I wouldnt be able to get into it as much as Id like. I prefer things I can lose myself in that goes for pretty much everything anime, games, books, ect... and I cant see myself losing myself in either LI.
-Are the LIs villainous enough for you?
For me personally id have to say no, I mean I like the scenes where they act serios like when Edel threatens MC but besides that with how airheaded they can act it comes across almost childish to me. When I think Villain I think of someone a bit more serious and like scary even if its only one side of them they show in private.
-Other comments are welcome!
I did really enjoy the game, I played through it multiple times and it was fun I love how you dont lose sight of the other NPCs theyre fun to be around and even after rereading the bickering so many times I didnt get bored of it that kind of writing really is amazing I do wish you could like personalize the MC a little more even if it was just choosing a different dress im sure some of the things I said may come across a little judgy but your game really is well made and amazing!!!
It was so fun to play!! I laughed so many times, characters arefunny andinteresting! Mc was very funny I loved her chibi reactions! They were so cuteee <33 I liked Estella and Henry as well, their dynamic is so nice!! And I can't describe how much I liked to bicker with Edel lol, he seems like such a great character as well!
-Whose route would you choose first? And why?
I think it would be Vicenzo! I like him! Well, that's beacuse he is kind, generous guy, right?? Sure, but also nah, he is such a snake, I love this smile of his! (and I have a soft spot for smiling characters with closed eyes xD) Also for some reason I find the fact that he loves muffins cute, as well as his whole 'I'm going to act like a proper fiance' persona! I'm very curious why is he insists at calling him Vicenzo
-What's your favorite scene/event?
I think it would be moment when Vicenzo crashed a tea party and brought roses for mc-- I wasn't expecting that and it made me laugh! Ofc I had to accept them, but later replaying the game with other choices the fact mc said she wants money the most was SO real xDDD
-Are you interested in playing the full release?
Definitely!! I'd be happy to play it! I'm also intrested in other routes that weren't playable in demo, but were hinted at~ games with many choices are great!!
-Are the LIs villainous enough for you?
This is a hard question, but I think I would say yes? They were villainous, yeah, and in cool and different ways, but it's hard to tell since I don't know how would they act if they were more, sorry!
-Other comments are welcome!
I wish you best!! If demo was such a fun experience I wonder what full game will be! But also no pressure, take your time and take care!! ^^
Huh, so at the party? Does the game just close? Might be device compatibility? Since I've had some people test it and they've completed the demo in theirs... 😅
Played the demo and had a blast! Teresa was such a fun mc to play as and there was a nice balance of humor and tension. The first time I played, I got the bad end towards the end of the demo and had to rewind to pick another choice to not get offed. The villains aren't playing around and I hope to see this be maintained even as they start to fall in love with Teresa. (Good luck girl!)
Minor spoilers(?) for the questions
1. I'd probably pick Vicenzo as my first route since he seems to be more reasonable than Edel and already looks to have a bit of a soft spot for her. Edel is fun to interact with but I'll need to see more of him to want to go for his route.
2. My favorite scenes were the ones with her friends and brother. The mutual teasing and "I've got your back" is great to see, especially when I dislike seeing the og heroine as a scheming manipulator or a doormat to let the villainess shine. Also the accurate sibling representation. <3
3. They are villainous enough for me. I thought they had the right amount of charisma and in the grey for me to not be turned off. Plus their voices are nice.
4. This is fun speculation but I was looking through the faq and noticed that the answer for whether we'd get more love interests was rather... vague. So I started thinking of who would fit the criteria, and Teresa mentioned that that there were 4 ros in the og game. So far, we've seen three in the demo: the prince (confirmed non-romancable), our brother (nope), and Henry is already taken. So that leaves the fourth ro who has not appeared yet. With current knowledge he'd be my bet if another route is added.
← Return to game
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bro the "STAY PUT" felt like she was hoping a dog she was training would remember the training lol!
TERESA IS SO REAL, like its always the 'interesting' 'amusing' and sometimes it 'your not like other girls' so frickin annoying T-T. She's so relatable, why are main characters so dense.
answers to the descriptions questions:
I was drawn to this game for Count Vicenzo , two faced fox troupe x soft for mc troupe/would kill for mc possibly? is *chefs kiss* and honestly stayed for MC and Count Vicenzo them being together is such a delight, I love every scene that Vicenzo is in and also where he punishes that trollish butler for her, may Edel lick dirt off of the tiles mc walks on
yeah when it comes out my wallet will shed paper tears for your game 100%
in my opinion yes but also the sadist in me wants to see Vicenzo get a bit crazier when protecting her from trollish butlers >:) side note: I love his eyes
I have been playing the demo non-stop for about an hour now. I don't think I've laughed like that in CENTURIES. I love the main character, and the plot is super interesting, the little chibi drawings to show her inner emotions are the best 10/10.
yass! a new update!
There's no new story content (that's only available for early beta access), but there are a few minor visual updates 👍
Tell me if everything works! :>
Just like Penelope and her ducks, Amazingggg
-Whose route would you choose first? And why?
Edel, cause contrary to real life it seems I want to be murdered in games.
-What's your favorite scene/event?
The moment Edel villainously laughs at us after the interview haha
-Are you interested in playing the full release? (The full game will be PAID)
I think it'd be totally worth it, and I would if I could.
-Are the LIs villainous enough for you?
olá,sou brasileira e não sei inglês e queria saber se vai ter alguma tradução para português?
(se eu puder comprar quando sair completo eu vou)
ITS SO GOOD! Especially the humor. It kept me cackling until I reached the end
Helloo I wanna ask what programs you use for making games? Love the art btw, the demo was really fun I really wanna buy the game but I dont have the money rn (I do plan on buying it in the future :3)
And dw, there's plenty of time. And I mean, PLENTY cause I've been slow😂
DEMO was really nice! I loved the effort put into the sprites, animations and sfx even though i assume it was tedious putting those in. The art is quite unique with the watercolor style and i just really like the subtle details... C'mon the cute blue loading screen rose? Ackk
On another note, i was seriously stressed for my girl. My choices got her killed in the end, but! I'm most looking forward to the world building and relationship progression between characters because they seem to have a lot of depth. How much do you suppose the final game would cost? ^^
I hope you got the demo ending by the end though!
For the price, it's mentioned in the FAQs.
Hello, sorry to bother, I would like to know how you make sure your character assets are not in the download folder, I'm going crazy so I can protect my assets, thank you
If you're using Renpy, make sure to archive them (search that up) by checking options.rpy.
So i am going to buy the early bird sometime this week, but how long will it be available for? Also when the next update happens will there be more story to the early bird discount?
I'll be closing it once full release is near or when it runs out, whichever one comes first. Either way, I'll be making an announcement for that.
Any early access update is only for the $30 and up tier. Early bird discount will be getting theirs on full release, alongside everyone.
Nice. Well ill be patient lol
This was amazing!!! The art, voice acting, story, facial expressions, soundtrack, and dialogue were incredible. Everything is so polished. Thank you for this masterpiece. I've played other visual novels, but this was my first actual Otome! I'm definitely looking forward to future updates and plan to buy the full game. :)
Aww thanks!❤️
Rating the game *cough*5stars*cough* might help it be seen 😉
-Whose route would you choose first? And why?
IDK HAHAHAAH can I answer both?
-What's your favorite scene/event?
The first time I saw Adel face, made my jaw drop
-Are you interested in playing the full release?
(The full game will be PAID)
sure why not
-Are the LIs villainous enough for you?
welp, I think can you make Lis more villain because in some scenes I still see the humanity in Lis
I really loved this game, but omfg it was so hard to not die 😭😭 (but even if Edel kills me, I loved his character, and I'm just so anxious for when the game updates)
One more thing! I played on my phone so Android service, and it went really well tbh, didn't it crash or anything just appeared sometimes messages saying that it was disabled and I guess it was because it was a demo, so everything it's good!
Thanks for testing the Android build!
And yes, some options are still unavailable OvOb
questions !!
-Whose route would you choose first? And why?
i think i'll go with edel first because i really liked the masked guy, but vicenzo is out there tryna get me aswell
-What's your favorite scene/event?
the engagement talk with mc's family kekekeke
-Are you interested in playing the full release? (The full game will be PAID)
yes the game really stole my heart
-Are the LIs villainous enough for you?
they are (i got scared lol but it's good
i was looking for a game that could maybe take away my boredom AND BOY was i hooked!!!! havent had that amount of fun in a while!!
i absolutely loved the game and all the characters! mc's has a nice personality and so does her friends and twin, but the two villains were really top notch! they both are so scary and mysterious, but are also very funny and mischievous, which was really enjoyable to see as love interests!
now i'm sad that the demo is over because i was planning on staying up til morning playing it T-T can't wait for the full game to be out!! keep up the good work <333
este juego es asombroso podria decir mas palabras pero al final volveria a lo mismo, me encanta vicenzo, sin duda pagare por el juego si no tiene un precio demasiado caro, mi moneda no es el dolar asi que a mi conversion me saldra mas caro pero aun asi amo este juego
So it wont let me buy this game with my card? Help please i want Vinny😭
If it really doesn't work, I also have it available (limited slots) on my Ko-Fi!
*Note: The game is still under development, and there's still a possibility of the release date getting pushed back.
when i go to pay using my card it doesn't show up. I really want to play this game more lol. Is there more content then what the demo has right now when i buy it?
That's likely an issue on Itchio's part, so I couldn't really help with that😅
Only for the early beta access tier. Currently, there's a short extra scenario from where the public demo ends, but they should be getting an updated build TBA.
I want to say thank you for being a dev who actually engages with your fans lol as cheesy as that may sound i really do appreciate it🩵😝 I have seen other devs who will get comments on their games and never respond then ultimately dropping their game because they don't listen to or even take time to engage in their community so i just wanted to say thank you 😉 🩵 Now back to the game i will buy it on the website soon and also i do have one more question. I actually downloaded it on the Android version (runs smooth by the way no crashes, freezes, or anything) so my question(s) is when i buy the game soon will i be able to play it on the android still? Will my progress save? (I have zero 0% problems playing it over again as Vinny will be mines or me his😅🩵 lol) Thanks again🩵😝
Oh, thanks for testing the mobile version!
With the current (unreleased) build I'm working on right now, it should -theoretically- be able to load the old save file, however, I've made some changes that may break the game's UI if you use an old save file, so I wouldn't recommend that. Additionally, if you're sticking with the Android build, I've previously addressed that the mobile version won't be receiving any update until after I complete the game, as stated here, as I will have to customize the UI for a more comfortable mobile experience (which, again, can only be done after finishing the complete build).
(Dw, it's not cheesy!😄)
The art of this game was so damn pretty! I love the texture of it and the sort of watercolor vibe it has!
Really loved this game! The MC was so funny, laughed out loud multiple times.
-Whose route would you choose first? And why?
I always like to go with the route that I organically end up on first, so I started with Vicenzo.
-What's your favorite scene/event?
Love the muffin scene! I also really the scene were Edel started laughing.
-Are you interested in playing the full release? (The full game will be PAID)
-Are the LIs villainous enough for you?
Yes... but I also like that they aren't too villainous though.
So i cant denie that i love this story so far. I might buy the full game but want to know how much? The pricing i see above is confusing lol. As for the questions:
-Whose route would you choose first? And why?
I wasnt aware there were other routes since i figued the mask man in beginning was not the boss. Might replay later to see.
-What's your favorite scene/event?
I can't answer this because i found acouple parts deemed too good. But the part that gave me the spooky a bit was when we said how tge stone was stolen and how Vinny (yes my nickname for the cutie) said how they should have their tongue cut off😭😝
-Are you interested in playing the full release?
(The full game will be PAID)
Depends on the pricing. I really enjoyed this game and really do want more but i won't pay and over exaggerating price. No offense to the creator of the game but that's not something im comfortable with doing as other games i buy are usually either discount price, my brothers money, or just at a certain price range but i won't say more as im already sounding very petty🤣
-Are the LIs villainous enough for you?
I love this damn game ok can't lie. As a girl who can also keep a deadpan face, her emotions inside and out are somewhat relatable. As for Vinny (again yes that's his name now from me😏) my i can't wait to see how this story goes with him. Maybe a ending with him wouldn't be so bad. Edel STOP TRYING to kill me😭😤
-Other comments are welcome!
Mobile version works nice and same goes for the window version. My only thing would be if you can add a ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO OVERWRITE THIS SAVE FILE because i accidentally saved over a part i wanted to go back to. While i was able to go back to choice with the backward and rechoose my choice, its still something that would help people like me lol
This game is very good. I wish not to spoil much so if you are debating whether or not to download, I say the demo is enough of a reason. Try it out and you won't be disappointed. I'm not😏
For the pricing, the regular price will be $9.69, but I'm running a donation promo with reward perks, one of which is 'pre-ordering' the game for $6.69 (early bird discount). Donations will go into funding the game development (since I won't be running a Kickstarter).
Details should be in FAQs!
So if i just want to buy the game i only pay 10? That's actually better then. Is that something i can buy right now or no? You have now won me over and now Vinny (yes still calling him that will be mine or me his i do not care😏) Is there more of story avaliable right now if i am to buy? Also is will my progress save or will i have to restart? I wouldnt mind restarting if that is case im addicted😝
my apologies as i have just read the FAQs lol as of after giving a response back lol. Also really random but my brother does some Voice acting on the side. If you would want more in game i can see if he would be interested lol
loved the game and forgot it was only the demo which got me sad, i wont be able to afford the full game if it is released but good luck with it lol
-Whose route would you choose first? And why?
honestly i likd both Edel and Vicenzo, but i'd def choose Vicenzo
-What's your favorite scene/event?
every scene that contained Vicenzo lol
-Are you interested in playing the full release? (The full game will be PAID)
i wouldnt be able to afford it so no :(
-Are the LIs villainous enough for you?
Edel, yes. but Vicenzo didn't exactly show his villainous side, which i was excited for!!
Such a good game! I was so sad that it was only the demo. I love it so far and will be waiting for the completed version.
-[Whose route would you choose first? And why?]-
That's tricky. At first, I preferred the appearance of Edel, but as the story went on, I quickly put together who the boss was and enjoyed their personality a lot more. I think it would be interesting if there were another love interest, the prince for example, and if they somehow played a part in the Snare.
-[What's your favorite scene/event?]-
I enjoyed the beginning scene, as I had never played an otome before and was happy to get the definition.
-[Are you interested in playing the full release?]-
I would love to buy the game! I sadly am only able to play on a browser so if you can make it compatible with Chromebooks or playable on a browser, I would be forever in your debt.
-[Are the Love Interests villainous enough for you?]-
Oh my god. Yes. I love them, although I wish there was more of a villainous side for Vincenzo. Maybe there is and we just haven't seen it yet.
-[Other comments are welcome!]-
Well, I have a few things.
First, I knew someone named Vincenzo and I wanted to check if the pronunciation is Vin-Chen-zoe
Second, is there a playable version of Eternal Blessing of the Stars?
Other than that I loved this and can not wait for the full version!
Have you tried the downloadable version on your Chromebook? It should be playable with that.
I've been pronouncing it Vi-chen-zoh🤔
Nope, Eternal Blessing of the Stars is just a fictional game.
Also glad to see an otome first-timer(?) trying this out!☺️
Sad about the game being fictional but I will try downloading it.
Ahh! It's so good, *after looking who the author is* No wonder I liked it so much! It's the same person who did Trapped with Jester.
Okay, but anything else aside, thank You for a great story, can't wait to see more :)
can someone tell me how many love interests were in the in-game otome she reincarnated into?
i know there's the prince, eric, and henry, but who's the last one?
1. chose vicenzo because i love a psycho with morality
2. favorite scene is a certain violent one in a certain garden.. idk i just loved the description
3. i will be very very interested in paying for the full game (when i am not broke)
4. i love vicenzo's villainy because he seems to have a sense of justice? edel is ok. sadists are ok i guess. but he should STOP ******** ME? THIS IS THE THIRD TIME
5. comments: daydreamed about this for the whole day <333 im so in love. and i just found out this was made by the same person who made that story about odysseus and penelope + duck puns?
talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before, unafraid to reference or not reference, put it in a blender, shit on it, vomit on it, eat it, give birth to it
guys go play pre-odyssey
ahhhh so excited for the full game!
-Whose route would you choose first? And why?
super hard to choose! vincenzo is oddly really sincere, but i love edel's foxlike vibe :3
-What's your favorite scene/event?
making edel eat the muffins LMAO
-Are you interested in playing the full release? (The full game will be PAID)
-Are the LIs villainous enough for you?
yeah!! i like that vincenzo seems, while genuinely really menacing, to have his own moral code. and edel is a wildcard luv it
-Other comments are welcome!
i wonder if there will be a route for the prince? he's an interesting character
-Whose route would you choose first? And why?
I think I would choose Vincenzo, it feels like the smoothest route to flow into considering we are in a trial engagement.
-What's your favorite scene/event?
I like all the dialogue scenes with the FL's inner thought bubbles. They are very relatable and funny. For Vincenzo I think the scenes of him laughing are cute, for Edel it was nice to see him show his dark side early on.
-Are you interested in playing the full release? (The full game will be PAID)
If I ever reach a point I can pay for the paid game, yes would definitely consider this game. I honestly want a manga version of this as a story!
-Are the LIs villainous enough for you?
Hmmm it's hard to say because I feel like they are not? But I think it's more to do with the awkward way we see the dark side. The part that I think worked well as a villain side was the ending part for Edel. The initial scares feel a bit strange because there is this "he wouldn't dare" so it isn't as scary but it's too intense to be subtle.
RIGHT! Just wanted to ask whether the game will have the option to speed up the text speed? :D
Nope. Is it not fast enough?😮
AAAAAAH, I'M SORRY ABOUT REPLYING AFTER 3 MONTHS :C But, eh, yes, if possible since I read quite fast and my wrists are not as good as they used to, so double clicking all the time kinda hurts my hand after some time, unfortunately.
Hmm... it would be difficult to implement as some sacrifices would have to be made. It'll be unlikely. I can't promise anything😅
I don't know if it helps, but the Android version might be less of a strain?
-Whose route would you choose first? And why?
I would choose Edel first because we meet him first and he's really cool. He's also a very very pretty man so I would obsess over him the most, and he just seems like his route would be more interesting.
-What's your favorite scene/event?
My favourite scene is after we meet Edel and he laughs at us. He just seemed like a funny person.
-Are you interested in playing the full release?
This game is all could think about since I started playing, so if I have enough money, I would definitely play the full release.
-Are the LIs villainous enough for you?
The death endings and stuff were unexpected and scary, so I think that they're enough for meeee!
This was such an amazing game! I've been replaying over and over again! The MC's inner thoughts made me laugh quite a few times because that's what i always think when playing Otome games!
-Whose route would you choose first? And why?
Hard for me to choose but I would have to say Edel, I love his character so much! In all honesty, when we made a deal with him at the beginning my first thought was if he was an option.
-What's your favorite scene/event?
Definitely when Vicenzo forced Edel to eat those muffins. I had to take a second and laugh. Made me question if Edel was okay after that and if he drank a gallon of water just to get rid of that taste.
-Are you interested in playing the full release?
Definitely! It was so entertaining to play! I'm super interested in what you can do later on in the game, and I just couldn't handle that cliffhanger!
-Are the LIs villainous enough for you?
I'd say yeah, I like how they aren't too villainous to the point where you don't even want to talk with them but they aren't good people either and you can see that.
Can't wait to check this game out when it releases :D
The game has a problem with Android administration. Can you fix the problem?
I don't know what that means... someone had already reported that it works for them, so if it's not installing at all, then it might be a compatibility issue which I could do nothing about, sorry.
-Whose route would you choose first? And why?
I think I'd have to go with Edel, neither love interest is the type id usually go for they tend to act a bit too airheaded. Edel mostly seems to do it around his boss, so I do prefer him then theres the dark hair plus multi color eyes and thats just so dam fine lol
-What's your favorite scene/event?
I think my favorite scene would have to be MC bickering with her brother during the engagement thing, or Edel in the after they first meet when hes laughing and takes off his mask for the first time.
-Are you interested in playing the full release?
I dont really know, if its free to play then probably. I do like the game its fun to play and I did really enjoy it, but neither love interest is what I tend to like in these kids of games so I wouldnt be able to get into it as much as Id like. I prefer things I can lose myself in that goes for pretty much everything anime, games, books, ect... and I cant see myself losing myself in either LI.
-Are the LIs villainous enough for you?
For me personally id have to say no, I mean I like the scenes where they act serios like when Edel threatens MC but besides that with how airheaded they can act it comes across almost childish to me. When I think Villain I think of someone a bit more serious and like scary even if its only one side of them they show in private.
-Other comments are welcome!
I did really enjoy the game, I played through it multiple times and it was fun I love how you dont lose sight of the other NPCs theyre fun to be around and even after rereading the bickering so many times I didnt get bored of it that kind of writing really is amazing I do wish you could like personalize the MC a little more even if it was just choosing a different dress im sure some of the things I said may come across a little judgy but your game really is well made and amazing!!!
It was so fun to play!! I laughed so many times, characters are funny and interesting! Mc was very funny I loved her chibi reactions! They were so cuteee <33 I liked Estella and Henry as well, their dynamic is so nice!! And I can't describe how much I liked to bicker with Edel lol, he seems like such a great character as well!
I think it would be Vicenzo! I like him! Well, that's beacuse he is kind, generous guy, right?? Sure, but also nah, he is such a snake, I love this smile of his! (
and I have a soft spot for smiling characters with closed eyes xD) Also for some reason I find the fact that he loves muffins cute, as well as his whole 'I'm going to act like a proper fiance' persona! I'm very curious why is he insists at calling him VicenzoI think it would be moment when Vicenzo crashed a tea party and brought roses for mc-- I wasn't expecting that and it made me laugh! Ofc I had to accept them, but later replaying the game with other choices the fact mc said she wants money the most was SO real xDDD
Definitely!! I'd be happy to play it! I'm also intrested in other routes that weren't playable in demo, but were hinted at~ games with many choices are great!!
This is a hard question, but I think I would say yes? They were villainous, yeah, and in cool and different ways, but it's hard to tell since I don't know how would they act if they were more, sorry!
I wish you best!! If demo was such a fun experience I wonder what full game will be! But also no pressure, take your time and take care!! ^^
i cant get past where estella says she loves henry on android the game crashes
also is the only endings death because its all I can get
Is that the garden scene? Does it always crash there or just once? I'll check. Thanks for testing out the Android version!
As for your question: https://itch.io/post/9162406
it is the first time you see the boss and ive tried 3 times it crashed
Huh, so at the party? Does the game just close?
Might be device compatibility? Since I've had some people test it and they've completed the demo in theirs... 😅
Played the demo and had a blast! Teresa was such a fun mc to play as and there was a nice balance of humor and tension. The first time I played, I got the bad end towards the end of the demo and had to rewind to pick another choice to not get offed. The villains aren't playing around and I hope to see this be maintained even as they start to fall in love with Teresa. (Good luck girl!)
Minor spoilers(?) for the questions
1. I'd probably pick Vicenzo as my first route since he seems to be more reasonable than Edel and already looks to have a bit of a soft spot for her. Edel is fun to interact with but I'll need to see more of him to want to go for his route.
2. My favorite scenes were the ones with her friends and brother. The mutual teasing and "I've got your back" is great to see, especially when I dislike seeing the og heroine as a scheming manipulator or a doormat to let the villainess shine. Also the accurate sibling representation. <3
3. They are villainous enough for me. I thought they had the right amount of charisma and in the grey for me to not be turned off. Plus their voices are nice.
4. This is fun speculation but I was looking through the faq and noticed that the answer for whether we'd get more love interests was rather... vague. So I started thinking of who would fit the criteria, and Teresa mentioned that that there were 4 ros in the og game. So far, we've seen three in the demo: the prince (confirmed non-romancable), our brother (nope), and Henry is already taken. So that leaves the fourth ro who has not appeared yet. With current knowledge he'd be my bet if another route is added.
Also realized I skipped a question just after I posted lol. Will definitely look forward to the full release!
so uh i died edel killed me oof