Takane Route Has Been Released!

Anta here! Sprite/CG artist and coder.

I know, we said before that we'll release Takane route first, then it got delayed, then announced that we'll do a full release instead... but now we ended up releasing Takane route anyway. It's a long story, but to keep it short- time issues, (repeated) health issues, and as you have seen in the previous devlog... yeah. Lotsa stuff.

Thanks to otome jam though, we managed to push through and finish this one route, so here are the details:

Update Details

  • The previously released common route of the demon was approximately 8,000 words, and this update contains 20k words.
  • Gallery and extras are locked until final release. Your CG progress will not be saved.
  • 5(?) New CGs
  • Full Takane route is available to play

Upcoming Update

-We actually hoped to release both Takane and Nitori's routes for this release, but we didn't have enough time... which is to say, Nitori's route is almost completely written and is currently just being edited before implementation. 

If all goes well, Nitori's route can be release as early as next month.

As for Riku's route... we currently have no estimate as to when we can release it, but what we can say is- his route will mark the game's full release. It will include all of the remaining features (gallery, extras, and maybe voice acting).

Aaand that's all for now! Until next time O7


ToBecomeaTengu-1.0-mac.zip 203 MB
75 days ago
ToBecomeaTengu-1.0-pc.zip 237 MB
75 days ago

Get To Become a Tengu [Takane Route RELEASED]


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huge congrats on release!! I can't wait to play


CONGRATULATIONS!!! Tons of gratitude to all the team members for their hard work!

I'll write my impressions as soon as I finish reading Takane's route (and of course I'll be waiting for the other characters' routs too).